Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Front Row Flash

Tickets on Line
Tickets on Plane

Front row Crack
Front row Squee

We all Love
Rockstars we Flash

Mic stand Sex
Guitars they Lick

Tours across Town
After party all Night

Good fans we Are
Forever fluffy we Be

--Brought to you by Front Row Bunny & Friends

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bus Ticket

Bunny on the Bus
Bunny on the Plane

Cock on the Rock
Cock on the Stage

Buses onboard
Planes are mile High

Fields of Hotels
No shoes to Lose

Fluffies sign Up
Golden ticket Awaits

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Tarts Gone Sour

In the wee hours of the morn', your favorite Fluffy Bunnies answered one of the questions that has been keeping us awake late at night. It turns out that Tarts do go Pop when their posts disappear. And apparently, it gets quite messy when a Tart goes Pop. You'd think the Mad Champer, of all people, should know that nothing ever really disappears on the Internet just because you click the Delete key.

Click on the picture below to enlarge for the what made the Tart Pop (only details to protect the innocent, or not so innocent, have been removed)

The Meadow is afluff with whispers about when the next Tart will Go Pop. Our ears are open at The Mad Champer should really take better care of her Pop Tarts. And Regina should watch her bunny tail.

Irony in the forest

In wise words of ALANIS MORISSETTE, Isn't it "Ironic"?

An old man turned ninety-eight

He won the lottery and died the next day

It's a black fly in your Chardonnay

It's a death row pardon two minutes too late

And isn't it ironic... don't you think

It's like rain on your wedding day

It's a free ride when you've already paid

It's the good advice that you just didn't take

Who would've thought... it figures

Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly

He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye

He waited his whole damn life to take that flight

And as the plane crashed down he thought

"Well isn't this nice..."

And isn't it ironic... don't you think

It's like rain on your wedding day

It's a free ride when you've already paid

It's the good advice that you just didn't take

Who would've thought... it figures

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you

When you think everything's okay and everything's going right

And life has a funny way of helping you out when

You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up

In your face

A traffic jam when you're already late

A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break

It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife

It's meeting the man of my dreams

And then meeting his beautiful wife

And isn't it ironic...don't you think

A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...

It's like rain on your wedding day

It's a free ride when you've already paid

It's the good advice that you just didn't take

Who would've thought... it figures

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you

Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out

Helping you out

Friday, February 23, 2007

Meadow Meditations

Fluffy thoughts that keep Bunnies awake a night:

1. If everything tastes like Chicken, what if Chicken really tastes like Bunny?
2. If a Tart's post goes poof, does the Tart pop?
3. If the Mad Champer screens out all of the nut jobs, does it mean she can no longer allow herself to post?
4. If you Delete a post in the Meadow, do the Bunnies ever see it?
5. If you cannot read what is not there, are you really Free range?
6. Are the Fields really Golden?
7. Why would anyone ever drink Pink that was not a Cosmo?
8. Is Moderation the Key back to the Meadow?
9. If you do know What is Fluffy, do you know Who is Bunny?
10. Do Canadian Bunnies need a passport or can they just hop over the border?

Snarky Bunny and Kumbaya Bunny

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Delete Me

Slippery slope sides fast
One post, two posts, three posts gone
Responsibility comes at last?

Tarts run wild
On each other they turn
How ‘bout that weather pleads the child

Fluffies look on in mirth
Pink's fields of gold beckon
As minion can only ponder JD’s girth

--The Snarky Bunny Returns

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Bunnies Hop!

*WARNING!* Bad form Poetry following

Bunnies are Tasty
That is for sure, Fluffy truth
Spicy, we are not

Our Friends we do Love
We cannot leave them a Fluff
Though Dinner calls Peace

Furry Friends no Lie
Rockstars are our Heart and Soul
In meadows, we Fly

Brought to you by Kumbaya Bunny
Dedicated to our Feathered Friends everywhere

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Poetic Bunny

Ode To The Mad Champers

Mad Champer
Mad Hatter
Medicated Not
Medication Needed

Jubi Jaded
Jubilance Faded
Justified Not
Justice Needed

Fluffy Bunny
Furry Buddy
Fear Not

Fluffy Love To All

(Even You Pinky)

Monday, February 12, 2007

Bunny Exposed !

Bunny, Bunny, Bunny !

Welcome to the land of the Fluffies. We take no prisoners. We cry no foul. No matter what, we are Bunnies, and we support You! If you get a chance, come and be our Fluffy Friend.

OK, enough of this Fluffy business. Let us get down to the Bunny bits that we have decided to welcome you all with!

Do we seem giddy? Why yes, Bunnyland is excited. This is our inaugural post! So thanks for reading.

Now you probably know, Bunnyland has been getting slammed. It seems the EX-Bunnies cannot stay away from the Rabbit Hole and will not leave us to our Fluffiness!

Alas, we are all afluff with a band of Pouty Pouts, us Bunnies are referring to as the Pink Champers. They are quite simply, a bunch of meanies! Why do they do not like us? We cannot wrap our Fluffy little ears around this. It is just too, too much for our little Bunny Brains!

Well, being the saucy little Smart Ass Fluffy Bunny that I am, I told my Bad Ass Fluffy Bunny friend that we needed to show all of the world why Bunnies are the bestest in all the land!

The Champers think they are Queens of all that is snark. We are shocked by this claim! How did this happen? Bunnies always know that you cannot take life so seriously.

Well, it is like this.

Our group of Bunny friends like to party and have fun over at a Bunny-friendly place called . We love music, and want to make sure the whole world knows how great all of these awesome musicians are! And, Bunnies like to rock. Bunnies especially love hot rocker studs that know how to put the Fluff in our Fluffiness! Shivers!

It appears that the Champers do not like our brand of Fluffy. The Champers call us a bunch of Fluffy-stalking, porn star-loving, ass-kissing, over-the-hill, house wife Bunnies! We are beside our little Bunny selves. How can this be?

Thankfully, we finally think we have it all figured out! Our Fluffy little Bunny Brains stumbled upon the truth.

It seems the Queen Champer is a closet Bunny! At first we thought, this was our long lost Bunny Brother? We were confused! (And we thought, he is quite Tasty!)

Then the truth was revealed that is was just our long lost Bunny Sister. We never knew!

First she was Jubilant, then after being banished from the Kingdom, she went Pink and denied her gender, thinking that it would get her closer to the object of her affection after seeing this picture:

Sadly, Pink though she may be, she lacks the proper male bunny parts to land the Jack Rabbit in question if he actually favored the Jack Rabbit. While the Jack Rabbit prefers the fluffy bunnies in reality, the Mad Champer's female bunny parts don't seem to be up to the task either, seeing how she's failed to bed him. Sadly, our Jack Rabbit didn't fall into her arms outside after the show in Buffalo. He just wasn't over come by her fluffy bunny charms. Perhaps that's the real source of her loss of bunny love. So sad! The Mad Champer will never make little fluffy bunnies with him no matter how much she tries. We'll never have to worry about the bunny dying when the Mad Champer's around.

So what are the Fluffy Bunnies to do with our dear Fluffy Sister? Can we bring back her Fluffy Bunny love? Not until she ceases to eat her own kind. So, this is our quest. We must show the Mad Champer the way back to the happy meadows. But first she must renounce her lies and madness. We must help her meld her personalities back into a whole Bunny.

So, the Fluffies have decided to step out of the Fields of Gold, and keep an eye on our long lost Bunny and her friends. We cannot wait until the Mad Champer comes back to the Fluffy side. We know deep down the Fluffy sleeps and lurks, perchance to dream. The Fluffies will show her the way through the meadow! The Fluffies will always be here! We shall never abandon you again!

All the best from the Groupie Twats you Know and Love,

The Fluffy Bunnies

P.S. we are not scary!